Wednesday musings
I almost wanted to go up to the young woman and tell her to treasure that moment, because one day she would look back on it as an amazing memory, and hold close to her heart all the things her granny had taught her. Important things like family history and cultural traditions, things that you only really tend to appreciate when you get older, and by then it's often too late. Of course I didn't say anything because one doesn't do that kind of thing, it's not appropriate or polite.
I want to notice more things like that around me as I go about the mad rush of my life. I took that little vignette away with me, and it made me feel good. Johannesburg can be a difficult city to be in with all the crime, and grime and corruption and negativity but there is lots of good too, it's up to us as individuals to focus on the good as well as the bad.
What a lovely moment you witnessed. I love noticing all the details around the world.
your pages are always so fun to see.
I am glad that you are one to notice all the special moments that surround us.
beautiful post (and pages:)
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