Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I wasn't planning on doing another museum store post so soon....but then I stumbled upon the lovely blog Abbey Goes Design Scouting (via Design Crush), and I saw this quirky banana fruitbowl from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum shop and all was lost :) So, here's my selection from the shop:

Banana fruit bowl and Mixed fruit bowl designed by Harry Allen and made from cast polyester resin.

This vase design I think is really interesting - it's a flat vinyl bag until you fill it with water and then it takes up the shape of a vase. They are called "Hope Forever Blossoming" and are by Japanese design team D-Bros.

Porcelain "Sad Ghost" salt and peper shakers by Marcel Dzama.

Porcelain "Longneck" candle holder by Ineke Hans

Rados candle by Michele Oka Doner, made from beeswax. The flame burns slowly down the centre so it glows from the inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm confused, Cooper Hewitt says this is Beeswax, but Moss says it's Paraffin and Paraffin emits known carcinogens, so that's kind of a big deal.