Monday, July 28, 2008

Spring is in the air

Here are my latest journal pages. I need to figure out how to adapt blogger so that I can post bigger photo's. Even the largest option doesn't allow me to post images wider than 500 pixels. I also can't wait to get my newer digital camera camera back from the repair shop. It's been in for two weeks already and is costing R870 to fix!!! That roughly 87 dollars American - not sure if that's considered expensive in the US, but over here it surely is!

An early Spring is already in the air, the jasmine are out in full force, and as I drive around I can see big, fluffy pink blossoms exploding on the fruit trees. As much as I enjoy a good log fire, I can't wait for summer.


Claire said...

These are so inspirational!

please sir said...

These are lovely! For larger photos, you can upload photos to flickr (make sure they are the size you want them in pixils, like 600 x 600 or whatever). Then you can take the url from your flickr site and insert it into the html of your blog post.

Be sure to keep your photos in flickr, when you delete them they are gone from your blog too!